For Christmas I got a Rms 29/40-120 reload case, a G76-7G reload, an Aerotech Arreaux mid power kit and a mid power Nike smoke. On Christmas day I started putting together the Arreaux (pronounced arrow). The kit had really good quality parts and was well designed the fins went through the body tube and locked into the engine mount. The fins were pre-sanded and were made of Fiberglass. The body tubes had thick enough walls that they could take a had landing and the nose cone was high impact plastic. It was a really quick build because everything snapped together with a little super glue. The parachute was surprisingly small and the shroud lines were short. I followed the paint scheme but instead of yellow I used red. The result was a sturdy well painted rocket. We decided it would be great if I could fly it before I went home to Utah. After searching hobby stores for any F engines I emailed the Idaho rocket club to see if they knew how to find a F engine finally a club member emailed me and said he had a F37-10W reload he could sell me for ten bucks. I took my 29/40-120 and showed it to him. The reload wouldn't fit in the casing but luckily he let me borrow his case. I went home and assembled the motor, it wasn't very difficult but the instructions were really vague. For the Ejection charge you had to open a black powder packet and pour the right amount for the reload. We went out into the desert on a cold windy day and got ready to launch the Arreaux and a few other rockets. It took us several tries but finally it worked great. The rocket shot off the pad and weather-cocked the ejection charge was really late and when the parachute opened the nose cone ans a fin were ripped of and fell to the ground. We couldn't find the fins or the nose cone but we were just happy that it worked.
On the pad
The Finished rocket
the RMS
Making the RMS
all the pieces
The Fin Can
The Flight
photo by Rosemary Luque

photo by Rosemary Luque
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