As shocking as the title is, it's true. At the rocket's fastest speed it will be flying faster that buckshot fired from a shotgun. The small rocket is practically bullet-proof. It's less than an inch in diameter and about 10 inches tall. Originally, the rocket had balsa fins and a stubby plastic nose cone. Simon and I knew it was going to shred, but we didn't care. After we thought about it we decided we were at least going to try. We replaced the plastic nose cone with a taller balsa nose cone and the fins with 1/16in high-impact plastic fins sanded to a point.We used a combination of plastic cement and epoxy clay. We gave the body tube a light glaze of plastic cement for added strength. We plan to fly it on a Aerotech D21-7. It will hit about 3000 feet in about nine seconds and have a maximum speed 850mph (that's twice as fast as our old record.) It's meant for speed and not beauty as you can see in the pictures below. I haven't heard of anyone flying supersonic on a D so as far as I'm concerned it's a world record. 
This looks ugly but its really strong
Compared to the Big Daddy
Did it boom?