Saturday, July 21, 2012

The line up for Hellfire 17

Hellfire is just around the corner. I'm already making checklists, comparing motor prices, looking over my budget and doing final adjustments to rockets. Last year I focused on getting as much flights in as possible. I was always frantically running around. This year I'm just going to sit back and relax. I'll fly what I can but if I don't have the money or the time, no biggie. I am planning on flying all of my minimum diameter rockets. The 24, 29 and 38. This should be a fun line up, a bunch of mach busting flights and I'll spend a good bit of time tracking these things down.  Here is the stats for all of my flights:

Motor Mounts are for sissies
Diameter: 1in
 Length:  10in
Weight; about 1 oz.
Motor: F32-8T
Estimated Speed: Mach 1.03 (trans-sonic)
Estimated altitude: 3000ft.
Simon should be preping and flying this one. The rocket is all home wrapped fiberglass except for the nosecone. We will be drag racing Kaelan with his rocket, also on an F32T.

Diameter: 1.25in
Length: 25in
 Motor: H410-14VM
Estimated Speed: Mach 1.5 (supersonic)
Estimated Altitude:  5400 feet.
This will be tower launched. I should get some serious speed out of this little guy. All carbon fiber construction. Tracking smoke and a mylar streamer will aid with visibility.

Diameter 1.6in
Length: about 3feet
 Motor: H400 vmax
Estimated speed: Mach 1.2
 Estimated altitude: 4500 feet
I might fly this on the CTI 2G white thunder reload instead of the vmax. It should be fast anyway. This will be rail launched.

If I have any extra money, I might fly one of my larger rockets like darkstar or my Little John. GOT IT???

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Stub 2.0

The stub 2.0 began as an "Im bored" project. I had a few extra hours to kill, a 2.6in tube and some fiberglass cloth. Having nothing to do, I glassed the tube out of bordem. I found a nosecone, one from my old 2.6in patriot that I had scraped. I had some scrap plywood and a few extra centering rings so why NOT make a rocket? I cut 3 fins out of 1/8in craft plywood with a jigsaw and started building.
This little guy has a big old 38mm motor mount, capable of flying on a large H motor. It will reach almost 3000 feet on the largest motor, The H100IM. However, it will fly great on Fs and Gs. A large E motor would also be good to fly at the local park.
The original stub was built in 2010, exactly 2 years ago. It was my first 2.6in rocket. I thought it was huge!

A 2G motor sticks up quite a bit into the BT

Not quite sure when I'll fly this or IF i'll even fly this.