Sunday, October 30, 2011

October launch!

a few weeks ago we had our UROC October launch. Simon was unable to make it so I took Kade instead. I flew my "Hobo" on the G80 skid. There were lots of great flights.
All photos were taken by Kade.

BYU Rocket on a K550W
Blue motor
Smokey motor
A G76G

The hybrid rocket.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

New Rocket! (the hobo)

I completed "The Hobo" a few days ago. It is a PML Phobos I got for my birthday.
Here is the stats:

Diameter: 2.1in
Weight: 32oz unloaded
Fins: G10 (fiberglass)
Tube: "Quantum Tube", a grey, hard plastic.
Motor mount: 38mm
Motor Retention: Threaded rod & nut

First flight will be on a G80 skidmark and the next will be on a H410 Vmax ;)

All the parts & Pieces 

Motor mount& retention system.
Fins & Filets